Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ARt for ArT Sake!

I am so in love with the Art of Photography!  I can't think of any other way of saying it!  So I just returned from 3 of the most inspirational, motivating, educational days that I have experienced in quite sometime.  IPPA which is the local affiliate of PPA (Professional Photographers of America) just wrapped up their annual convention that I was able to attend this year.  I have to confess,  I have wanted to go for a few years but this was the first year I was able to do it and WOW!  So amazing.  I am afraid I am only going to want more, (sorry Kev, I may be heading to New Orleans next January for the National PPA Convention.)  I ate dinner with those in the industry that I have admired for years!  I spent time chatting and mingling and watching Masters Photographers work their magic.  I meet new friends that I look forward to many years of association.  I talked face to face with those whom I have only admired through their award winning work.   They are artist, moms, dads, women, men, people just like me and I loved discovering that!  What an awesome experience!  I can't wait for the next time! Until then Bring on the ART for arts sake! My shutter finger is ready!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Double the Fun!

Double the pleasure, double the fun, the Hortin Twins have now turned ONE!
These two are by far the winners in speed and thoroughness during a cake smash session! I have never seen a one year old, let alone two - one year old's devour a cake so quickly! I am not sure who was having more fun the twins or me! Probably me! I took their first photos a year ago and they were tini-tiny and it was so fun to see how much they have grown and changed.