Sunday, November 22, 2009

On the ball

Despite the fact that one of these children (I am not going to tell you which one) was very ill that day, my time with the "L" family was great. My favorite thing about the whole experience was that after I shot the last frame mom let out a big sigh and said, "oh it is so great to have this done." I giggled and said, "yep, you can check this off your list." I delivered their order of Christmas cards last week. She is one organized, on the ball, mom!

Good Weather....Good Thing

I feel like a broken record, but it is true....I have been so lucky to get some amazing families and beautiful children to play photographer with. This family was no exception! I was worried that the new babe would freeze because it was the middle of October but the weather behaved and we made it through. Not even a red noses on anyone. ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shhhhh, The Princess is Sleeping....

Just like a fairy tale come true this "Pretty Princess" sat upon her thrown and within seconds she flashed me a grin and then drifted off to the land of nod. Shhhhh, the princess is sleeping.

Too Cool For Words!

Look at these Colors!

The day was beautiful, the leaves were falling, the kids (big and small) were happy, it was a great day to watch a loving family play together.